Quinn's Pointe

Schools near Quinn’s Pointe

There is a wide range of options for your child to attend school near Quinn’s Pointe throughout Barrhaven. Schools from each of the four Ottawa school boards can be found in the area East of Highway 416, West of Woodroffe Avenue, and South of Fallowfield Road.

Most schools accessible to Quinn’s Pointe require bus transportation except the English Catholic public school, St. Benedict, which is a few minute's walk.

Plans are in place to build new schools in the community in the future. One future school site has already been approved by OCDSB, and will be home to Half Moon Bay Elementary school. The school will be located in Phase 1 of Quinn's Pointe, opposite Guinness Park at the corner of Kilbirnie Drive and River Mist Road. We look forward to welcoming the 674 students who will soon be joining the fast-growing Barrhaven South community.

Kids posing in park. Schools near Quinn's Pointe in Barrhaven.

Find the right school for you.

Selecting a school can be challenging, but each of the four school boards in Ottawa makes it easy to find the best school for your child. Detailed information about each school board, their schools, and program offerings can be found on their websites.

Need to arrange for before and after school care?

Most schools offer extended day programs that provide worry-free before and after school care for children. This is a convenient option because your child can be dropped off early each day, and then picked up on your way home from work. Be sure to check which program and school is right for your needs, as services and times can vary.

Ottawa school bus. School's near Quinn's Pointe in Barrhaven.

Is your child entering kindergarten?

Going to school for the first time is a big step for you and your child. Getting your child registered is easier than you think — schools hold information sessions each spring to help parents navigate the registration process. Be sure to check out Ottawa’s school boards below to select the school that’s best for your little one.

Transferring to a new school.

Moving with children often requires transferring them to a new school. This can mean changing school boards altogether — especially if you are moving into the Ottawa area. This could necessitate specific requirements from the new school board. Be sure to find out what forms need to be completed at both the old and new school boards in order to make the transition a smooth one.

If you’re moving locally, there’s a good chance your child can finish the year in their existing school. You’ll have to confirm with the school before making this decision, however, as transportation is not always guaranteed depending on the distance from the school to your new home.

Child writing at a desk. School's near Quinn's Pointe in Barrhaven.

Ottawa’s school boards

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB)"

Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB)

Conseils des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (CEPEO)

Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE)

Getting a jump on ensuring your child settles into their new school is a great way to relieve some of the stress of moving. For more information on the schools available near Quinn’s Pointe, check out the live map below. Click on each tab to view specific details for each location.

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