The greener archives
Find past articles related to how to save energy and reduce waste, net zero, greening your commute and all things sustainability. Don't forget to tag your social posts with #LIVEBetter10 to share what you're doing to live a greener life!
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24 sustainable actions you can take this year
Bettering the planet is more important than ever. We’ve pulled together 21 eco-friendly ideas for you to follow this year […]
How to prepare your garden for spring planting
Spring has officially sprung – and you know what that means! Remove all traces of winter from your outdoor space and get ready for spring gardening by following some of our clean-up tips [...]
How we're partnering with best water technology to fight plastic pollution at construction sites and homes
Through the implementation of Bottle Free Zone Stations, Minto Communities is tackling the plastic bottle crises and empowering change [...]
10 green gift ideas for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and we can’t wait to show them how much they mean to us! But if you’ve ever found yourself searching “best Mother’s Day gifts” on Google (guilty!) only to find the same old ideas, we’ve got a list of 10 eco-friendly Mother’s Day gifts that are good for her wellbeing and the environment too [...]
6 ways to celebrate Earth Day with your kids at home
April 22nd is Earth Day – and while most of the world is still isolating and events have been cancelled, this special occasion can still be celebrated digitally on the official Earth Day website. Check out our list of 6 ways you can celebrate Earth Day every day at home with your kids [...]
Tips to extend the shelf life of groceries
Tired of throwing out produce and feeling wasteful? Right now it’s more important than ever to learn how to extend the shelf life of food while we’re staying at home. Check out these 6 tips that will help ensure your groceries stay fresh for as long as possible […]
20 ways to be more eco-friendly during self-isolation
With the majority of us self-isolating, we’ve seen positive impacts on the planet like less pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. However, being home 24/7 can also result in more household waste and less planet-friendly practices. Even when times are tough, we can’t forget about taking care of our planet. Here are some simple, eco-friendly tips to follow during quarantine (and always) […]
10 ways to be plastic free
Plastic has been a big part of our lives for a long time. Now as we deal with the consequences of overrun oceans and waterways, we can each do our part to limit its use and stop this epidemic in its tracks. Here are simple ways to reduce your plastic waste now [...]
15 simple habits you should break to live greener
Living greener at home doesn’t have to be time consuming. In fact, changing a few simple habits can make a world of a difference. Here are 15 simple habits to break to start being more eco-friendly today […]
How to grow microgreens at home
If there was an award for the easiest veggie and herb to grow in your windowsill, it would go to microgreens! These edible veggies come in over 25 different varieties like kale, arugula and beets, and are packed with loads of nutrients. What's the best part about microgreens? You can grow them in your own home [...]
Microgreens 101
Microgreens – a trend we’re seeing (literally) sprout up everywhere. They’re cute and tasty and can easily be grown in your home or apartment. But what exactly are microgreens and are they better for you than “regular” greens? We’ve got the most popular microgreen questions and answers in this post […]
What’s a “Net Zero Home”?
Net Zero Energy homes produce at least as much energy as they consume on an annual basis and are up to 80% more energy efficient than typical new homes. But how do they work and are they worth the investment? Let’s find out […]
How to harvest honey from a beehive
An urban beehive makes about 10 kg of honey every year. Also called “honey extraction”, we’re going to talk about how honey is harvested from a beehive, when it should be done, and some other fun facts about honey bees and our newest hive in Toronto – because we could all use a bit of sweetness in our lives […]
The benefits of green roofs
Green roofs are popping up all over the place – but why are they so beneficial? And what do green roofs do? We’re diving in to what green roofs are, how long they typically last, and why builders everywhere are adding them to their plans […]
10 tips for eco-friendly cottage life
If you have access to a cottage, you’re one fortunate individual (hello sunshine and endless lake views!). But while it’s easy to get caught up in it all, it’s important to remember the green efforts you practice at home. From grocery shopping en route to disposing of waste properly while you’re there, here’s 10 easy ways to stay green at the cottage […]
10 things you can do in 2019 to live greener
What 10 things are you going to commit to change in 2019 to live a more eco-friendly life? To wrap up our Earth Day countdown, here’s a summary of what we posted, along with a downloadable list so you can write down what 10 things you’re going to change in 2019 to live greener [...]
Everything you need to know about LEED
What does it mean for a building to be LEED Certified? “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” Certification is awarded to buildings that are designed, built and operated sustainably, meaning they have a lesser negative impact on the environment. Read on for everything you need to know about LEED […]
Our top buzzing facts about bees
There’s a lot of buzz around our honey bees and their dwindling numbers. Bees are important (if not the most important) part of our ecosystem – they are the heroes of our planet. Read on to get the lowdown on one of the most fascinating (and seriously misunderstood) insects out there [...]
The No Straw Movement
Straws are among the top 10 items found during beach clean-ups, causing harm to seabirds, turtles and other marine creatures. They also contribute to plastic pollution and damage our oceans. If we don’t act now, there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish by the year 2050. Avoid using plastic straws and join the “no straw” movement today […]
10 ways to go green at work
A green workplace contributes to a healthy work culture and a lighter ecological footprint. Today, going green is more of a necessity than a choice. If you’re unsure where to begin, we’ve got you covered. Expand your sustainable efforts beyond your personal life, by reading our list of 10 ways to go green at work […]
10 home items to help you live more sustainably
As an introduction to our #LiveBetter10 countdown to Earth Day, we’re starting out with 10 home items to help you live a more sustainable life. Whatever living greener means to you, this list of inexpensive home items will help make your home more eco-friendly [...]
World Water Day 2019: Leaving no one behind
Every year on March 22nd, we recognize World Water Day to focus attention on the importance of fresh water and sustainable management of freshwater resources. Read on for details about the barriers to clean water around the world and how we can help […]
Plants that last all winter
As we settle into the winter months with its bare trees and grey skies, the green of an indoor plant can really brighten up your home and add that pop of colour we’re missing from spring and summer. But with furnaces and fireplaces on all season long, how can we keep houseplants healthy – and alive? [...]
Ditch and switch: Tips for a toxin free home
Many of the household cleaning products we’ve grown up with are ridden with toxins and chemicals that can actually be harmful to our health. Educating yourself, learning how to DIY, and slowly ‘ditching and switching’ over time can not only save you money, but give you some peace of mind knowing that you’re keeping those nasty chemicals at bay. Learn more about tips for a toxin free home [...]
Ways to green your commute
According to Stats Canada, the average Canadian spends 26 minutes getting to work each morning – with over 80% commuting by car! Green commuting provides an opportunity to make a difference for the environment in a big way. Read on for some tips to help reduce traffic congestion and improve the air quality in your city. […]
Living green at home 101
Living a more sustainable life can mean different things for different people. It can be as simple as remembering to shut the lights off or investing in energy saving appliances or LED bulbs. Whatever it is, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Read on for some simple tips on how we can all work a little harder to save the planet (and some money, too!) […]
Thrift shopping like a pro
Have you ever been curious about how to thrift shop with success? Maybe you know a seasoned pro who is always adding fab finds to their closet and want in on the action. No matter how intimidating it may seem, we’ve got some great tips to help you get started […]
How to pack a zero waste lunch
We’ve put together some simple tips on how to pack a zero waste lunch (it’s easier than it sounds – we promise!). With a few minor changes to your routine, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint and impress your friends while you’re at it. Here’s how […]
How to practice a zero waste lifestyle
What does it mean to live a zero waste lifestyle? We’ve got the inside scoop - including a look at Ottawa’s first zero waste grocery store and some tips on reducing waste at home [...]