Anthem's Site Plan
Unparralelled urban living
Anthem has been thoughtfully designed to cater to the various needs of its diverse owners - a community that promotes healthy, wellness-focused living through high-end amenities and outstanding connectivity. With so many amenities minutes from your front door, there's a wide range of activities readily available for you to enjoy.
Sign up for community information including lot releases. View the site plan today.
At Longfields Dr. & Glenroy Gilbert Dr.
Hours of Operation
Monday to Thursday: 12pm-8pm
Friday: 12pm-6pm
Weekends & Holidays: 11am-6pm
Click here to tour our Model Homes virtually.
All plans, dimensions and specifications are subject to change without notice. Actual usable floor space may vary from the stated floor area. Column locations, window locations and size may vary and are subject to change without notice. Renderings are artist’s concept and will change if required by site conditions. Plans, specifications and materials are subject to availability, substitution, modification without notice at sole discretion of Minto Communities Inc. E. & O.E. October 2019.