More Community Impact

Serving the needs of our employees and our communities.

Building safe and vibrant places to live and work

As an employer, homebuilder, and landlord, we understand the deep responsibility we have to the people whose lives we touch. We find more ways to invest in the needs of our employees and communities and then work on building safe and vibrant places for them to live and work.
  • Increase employee ESG competency by expanding training and communication among staff and prioritizing relevant ESG competencies in recruitment
  • Identify and address any systemic inequities to promote diversity and inclusion
  • Explore best practices for collection of employee diversity data
  • Support resident well-being through core health and well-being features and procedures
  • Engage residents through programs to build connections, drive change, and cultivate partnerships
  • Strengthen community impact by defining the focus and future approach for community engagement, giving, and volunteering

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