Preparing for Move-In
Pre Move-In

Pre Move-In Calgary
Preparing for Move-In

Lease Preparing for Move-In

Preparing for Move-In

The big day when you receive your keys is just around the corner! Discover helpful tips for the weeks leading up to your occupancy and some key items to remember.

Taking possession of your new home

Keep in touch on the big day

On the day you are scheduled to receive your keys and take possession of your new home, we recommend you keep in close touch with your legal representation. Your lawyer is the best source for updates on progress, to help resolve or answer any last minute questions and advise you when your key can be picked up. The Minto Team will contact you to arrange an afternoon meeting on site near your new home to hand over your keys. Please make sure we have up to date contact information including your mobile phone number and email address.

Expect keys in the afternoon

Typically, new homeowners receive their keys in the afternoon on the day they are scheduled to take possession or close. Keys can be signed over to you as soon as we have notice from both your lawyer and Minto’s lawyer that all requirements and obligations have been met and duly registered to ensure you are in proper legal possession of your home.

From experience, we always recommend that you schedule your moving truck the day after you are slated to receive your keys. This accounts for the afternoon key exchange and the occasional legal or circumstantial hiccup that, although rare, can bump a closing to first thing the very next morning. We’d hate to see your moving truck waiting for hours outside a new home that you can’t yet access.

Plan your move

We recommend you check the construction progress near your home when you attend your Pre-Delivery Orientation (PDO). If there are still a lot of homes under construction nearby, you may want to schedule any large moving trucks or deliveries for later in the day or weekends to avoid Trade construction traffic.

We will keep you informed by email

Your Customer Experience Coordinator will advise you by email of any work that may be disruptive, such as curb installation, driveway paving, etc., that may occur on or near your moving day. We always do our best to provide as much notice as possible and include anyone who is scheduled to move in around that time.

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