A brown puppy wrapped up in a white fluffy blanket

5 simple home winterization tips to save energy

LIVE smarter | 5 MIN READ | 2019-12-02

Winter weather may have already arrived for some of us, but you still have time to prepare your home for colder temperatures. Even those who don’t expect a white dusting of snow any time soon know that heating your home during the winter months can be pricey. Some even say that heating a home accounts for over 70% of household energy consumption.  

Luckily, there are some simple changes you can make around the house to keep you warm and cozy all season long, while also reducing your energy consumption. Saving energy is not only good for the environment, you’ll also be able to save some green on your winter utility bills. Win win. 

Try these 5 energy-saving tips this winter to reduce your energy use before you touch that thermostat!

1. Seal doors and windows 

Living room with big open curtains, heavy drapery and snow outside

Photo by Alex Qian from Pexels

Did you know up to 25% of home heating escapes through small cracks in your home? The most common places you’ll find these cracks are at the openings in your home. Seal up all of your doors and windows with these quick (and low-cost) tips

• Install weatherproof strips: These strips can be used on your doors and windows. Not only will these strips keep the warm air in and cool air out, they’re also multifunctional. Weatherproof strips live up to their name by keeping wind, dust, sound, insects and the cold from getting inside your home. The best part? They’re inexpensive! 

• Roll up a towel: For an even simpler DIY hack, roll up a towel and place it at the bottom of any external doors that you can’t seal.

• Insulated curtains: Insulated curtains are the perfect trick to keep that heat inside. They’ll keep your home warm and toasty and also double as blackout curtains. 

• Cellular shades: These magical window treatments are a must-have and are the best energy-efficient window coverings you can buy. The plus side? These window coverings are light so the sun can still shine through them.

2. Adjust your water heater temperature 

Beautiful tiled shower with white sink and oval mirror

Photo by Christa Grover from Pexels

Nothing’s better than a hot shower after being out in the cold. However, water heating accounts for at least 10% of our home energy use, so rethink just how hot you need your water to be. Did you know that the default temperature setting on many water tanks is too hot? 

You can reap the rewards on your utility bill just by turning the temperature setting down to 120–140 degrees Fahrenheit. Even at a slightly lower temperature you can still take a nice warm shower while reducing your energy consumption – and saving some money on your monthly energy bill. 

3. Rotate your ceiling fans 

Bedroom with queen size bed, a ceiling fan and a windowsill seating area

Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash

Make sure your ceiling fans are turning in a clockwise direction! This life hack will help pull warm air down in your room so you don’t have to rely as much on your furnace or heater to work as hard.

By changing the direction of your ceiling fan and setting it to a lower speed, the warm air that rises will be pushed back towards the floor and along the walls to give your room a warmer feel. Stand directly under your ceiling fan and look up to double-check that the blades are moving in a clockwise direction and voila! You’ll definitely save some money on your energy bill this winter with this quick hack. Who knew?

4. Bring out the cozy rugs 

Cozy red rug with grey couch and green plants near a big window

Photo by Ryan Christodoulou on Unsplash

Did you know that 10% of heat escapes from your floors? Rugs are a great addition to any room to keep the heat from escaping – and to add some style, of course. Even if you have carpet in some areas of your home, doubling up on rugs to insulate the floors will help lower your energy bill.  

Another great hack is to invest in some rug pads. This article by The Spruce, lists all the reasons why you should buy rug pads for your home. For instance, they provide comfort for your feet, reduce noise, provide insulation from a cold subfloor and most importantly, will keep heat from escaping through your flooring. 

5. Let the sunshine in 

Living room with grey couch and beautiful windows with open curtains

Photo by Nathan Fertig on Unsplash

While your first instinct may be to cozy up and shut out the cold outdoors, opening curtains and blinds during the day naturally lets the sunshine warm your home. This will especially work in any of your south-facing windows. Just be sure to close them up at night to help keep the heat in your home. 

By following our 5 winterization tips to save energy in your home this winter, you’re sure to save some money on your next energy bill. And a little effort goes a long way. If you have a few of your own energy-saving hacks, make sure to share them with us on our Facebook and Twitter. We’d love to pass them on!