Hurrah to the home builders who put energy efficiency into their new homes

National Post - Energy Star turns 10 this year. EnerQuality, its parent, says energy-efficient adoption has reached 32% of Ontario homes, thanks to builders who believe in it and to buyers who ask for it in their new home. Last week's EQ Awards honoured The Minto Group in two categories: Ontario Green Builder of the Year, and the Energy Star for New Homes Builder of the Year in the large volume category.

Also recognized were Al Schmidt of A&J Energy Consultants for working with builders to implement energy-efficient solutions, and Peter Gilgan, pictured, of Mattamy Homes, who was inducted into the EnerQuality Hall of Fame (Mattamy was one of the first into the program at the start, and has built 11,000 Energy Star homes so far). The full winner's list is at

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