Make Your Calgary Rental Home a Green Home! 

Canadians and Americans spend 90% of their time indoors! So make your apartment a healthy home! Here are some green tips for your apartment: 

Turn off lights when a room isn’t in use – even unplugging electronic devices saves a ton of energy, seeing as those appliances draw energy even when turned off.

Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs use 75 per cent less energy than an incandescent ones. They are available almost everywhere in Calgary, so make the switch!

Wash in warm, rinse in cold – Washing in warm water uses 50% less energy than hot, washing in cold cleans clothes is even better. You can also conserve water in your rental, by taking shorter showers and turning the tap off while brushing your teeth.

Carpets collects toxins tracked into the home, and also harbors dust mites and allergens. Create a weekly vacuuming schedule and stick to it!

Use small appliances instead of stove (hot plate, microwave) to conserve energy –an oven loses 20% if its heat EVERY time the door is opened.

Recycle and be conscience of what packaging you are bringing home – it’s a small effort that makes a huge difference. In case you didn’t know, Minto is an environmentally friendly property manager. 44% of waste generated from Minto’s residential properties was diverted from landfill. Compared to the average across Ontario of 28%!

Plain water on a cloth works great for the vast majority of dusting chores. If in need of something more powerful, choose the least-toxic product for the job at hand or clean your countertops with white vinegar.

Grow your own food- With a couple of window boxes or better yet, a small porch or balcony area you will be amazed at how much food can be grown in various containers. 

Swap traditional toilet paper for recycled and you could help save hundreds of thousands of trees

Report maintenance issues and leaks right away before you waste water or energy, which shouldn’t be hard because Minto has a 24/7 emergency maintenance service!

Go enjoy the comfort of your Calgary rental home and visit more of to see how we create better places to inspire life.